Author: Pierre Laforcade


Publication period start: 2010
Number of co-authors: 10


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Christophe Marquesuzaa
Christian Sallaberry
Thierry Nodenot

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Christophe Marquesuzaa
Christophe Choquet
Thierry Nodenot


Laforcade, Pierre (2010): A Domain-Specific Modeling approach for supporting the specification of Visual Instruction. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 21 (6) pp. 347-358.

Barbier, Franck, Laforcade, Pierre (2005): Concepts, techniques and tools for an educational modeling language. In: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics ICCI 2005 August 8-10, 2005, Irvine, USA. pp. 222-227.

Laforcade, Pierre, Barbier, Franck, Sallaberry, Christian, Nodenot, Thierry (2003): Profiling Co-Operative Problem-Based Learning Situations. In: Patel, Dilip, Patel, Shushma, Wang, Yingxu (eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics ICCI 2003 18-20 August, 2003, London, UK. pp. 32-40.

Sallaberry, Christian, Nodenot, Thierry, Laforcade, Pierre, Marquesuzaa, Christophe (2005): Model Driven Development of Cooperative Problem-Based Learning Situations Implementing Too. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Bessagnet, Marie-Noëlle, Schlenker, Lee, Aiken, Robert, Laforcade, Pierre (2005): Can Collaborative Technologies Improve Management Education?. In: ICALT 2005 - Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 05-08 July, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. pp. 233-234.

Laforcade, Pierre, Choquet, Christophe (2006): Next Step for Educational Modeling Languages: The Model Driven Engineering and Reengineeri. In: ICALT 2006 - Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands. pp. 745-747.

Nodenot, Thierry, Laforcade, Pierre (2006): CPM: A UML Profile to Design Cooperative PBL Situations at Didactical Level. In: ICALT 2006 - Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands. pp. 1113-1114.

Nodenot, Thierry, Laforcade, Pierre (2006): Learning from a Planets Game: Elements of a Didactical Transposition Described with the CP. In: ICALT 2006 - Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2006, Kerkrade, The Netherlands. pp. 1164-1165.

Laforcade, Pierre (2007): Graphical representation of abstract learning scenarios: the UML4LD experimentation. In: Spector, J. Michael, Sampson, Demetrios G., Okamoto, Toshio, Cerri, Stefano A., Ueno, Maomi, Kashihara, Akihiro (eds.) ICALT 2007 - Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies July 18-20, 2007, Niigata, Japan. pp. 477-479.

Nodenot, Thierry, Marquesuzaa, Christophe, Laforcade, Pierre, Sallaberry, Christian (2004): Model based engineering of learning situations for adaptive web based educational systems. In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2004, . pp. 94-103.

Oubahssi, Lahcen, Laforcade, Pierre, Cottier, Philippe (2010): Re-engineering of the Apprenticeship Electronic Booklet: Adaptation to New Users Requireme. In: ICALT 2010 - 10th IEEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies 5-7 July, 2010, Sousse, Tuneisa. pp. 511-515.

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