Author: Philippe Truillet

Philippe Truillet is an Assistant Profesor of Computer Science in the University Paul Sabatier (Toulouse). He is working in the IRIT institute of Computer Science.


Publication period start: 2002
Number of co-authors: 16


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Régis Privat
Bernard Oriola
Nadine Vigouroux

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Cedric Bach
Stephane Chatty
Emmanuel Dubois


Truillet, Philippe, Oriola, Bernard, Nespoulous, Jean-Luc, Vigouroux, Nadine (2000): Effect of "Sound Fonts" in an Aural Presentation. In: Emiliani, Pier Luigi, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All October 25-26, 2000, Florence, Italy. pp. 10.

Truillet, Philippe, Vigouroux, Nadine (1999): Non Visual Presentation of HTML documents for Disabled and Elderly Using Extended Cascadin. In: Kobsa, Alfred, Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Proceedings of the 5th ERCIM Workshop on User Interfaces for All November 28 - December 1, 1999, Dagstuhl, Germany. pp. 7.

Raynal, Mathieu, Truillet, Philippe (2006): Le clavier fisheye. In: Proceedings of the 2006 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2006, . pp. 289-290.

Buisson, Marcellin, Bustico, Alexandre, Chatty, Stephane, Colin, Francois-Régis, Jestin, Yannick, Maury, Sébastien, Mertz, Christophe, Truillet, Philippe (2002): Ivy: un bus logiciel au service du développement de prototypes de systèmes interact. In: Proceedings of the 2002 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2002, . pp. 223-226.

Truillet, Philippe, Bothorel, Gwenael (2005): VOICE: une plate-forme vocale pour la formation au contrôle aérien. In: Proceedings of the 2005 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2005, . pp. 67-74.

Privat, Régis, Vigouroux, Nadine, Bousquet, Caroline, Truillet, Philippe, Oriola, Bernard (2001): Speech technology for universal access in interactive systems?. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) HCI International 2001 - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction August 5-10, 2001, New Orleans, USA. pp. 416-420.

Truillet, Philippe (2007): A Taxonomy of Physical Contextual Sensors. In: Jacko, Julie A. (eds.) HCI International 2007 - 12th International Conference - Part II July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 982-989.

Raynal, Mathieu, Truillet, Philippe (2007): Fisheye Keyboard: Whole Keyboard Displayed on PDA. In: Jacko, Julie A. (eds.) HCI International 2007 - 12th International Conference - Part II July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 452-459.

Dubois, Emmanuel, Bach, Cedric, Truillet, Philippe (2008): Comparing Mixed Interactive Systems for Navigating 3D Environments in Museums. In: Graham, T. C. Nicholas, Palanque, Philippe A. (eds.) DSV-IS 2008 - Interactive Systems. Design, Specification, and Verification, 15th International Workshop July 16-18, 2008, Kingston, Canada. pp. 15-28.

Privat, Régis, Vigouroux, Nadine, Truillet, Philippe, Oriola, Bernard (2002): Accessibility and Affordance for Voice Interactive Systems with the VoiceXML Technology. In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L. (eds.) ICCHP 2002 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 8th International Conference July 15-20, 2002, Linz, Austria. pp. 61-63.

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