Author: Peter Steenkiste
Productive Colleagues
Porta, Thomas F. La, Mutka, Matt W., Pinhanez, Claudio S., Steenkiste, Peter (2007): Editorial PerCom 2007 special issue. In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 3 (6) pp. 607-608.
Hengartner, Urs, Steenkiste, Peter (2006): Avoiding privacy violations caused by context-sensitive services. In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2 (4) pp. 427-452.
Hengartner, Urs, Steenkiste, Peter (2006): Exploiting information relationships for access control in pervasive computing. In Pervasive and Mobile Computing, 2 (3) pp. 344-367.
Garlan, David, Cheng, Shang-Wen, Huang, An-Cheng, Schmerl, Bradley R., Steenkiste, Peter (2004): Rainbow: Architecture-Based Self-Adaptation with Reusable Infrastructure. In IEEE Computer, 37 (10) pp. 46-54.
Thayer, Scott M., Steenkiste, Peter (2003): An Architecture for the Integration of Physical and Informational Spaces. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 7 (2) pp. 82-90.
Steenkiste, Peter (1994): A Systematic Approach to Host Interface Design for High-Speed Networks. In IEEE Computer, 27 (3) pp. 47-57.
Steenkiste, Peter, Hennessy, John L. (1988): Lisp on a Reduced-Instruction-Set Processor: Characterization and Optimization. In IEEE Computer, 21 (7) pp. 34-45.
Jiang, Changhao, Steenkiste, Peter (2002): A Hybrid Location Model with a Computable Location Identifier for Ubiquitous Computing. In: Borriello, Gaetano, Holmquist, Lars Erik (eds.) UbiComp 2002 Ubiquitous Computing - 4th International Conference September 29 - October 1, 2002, Göteborg, Sweden. pp. 246-263.
Ho, Jiann-Min, Hu, Jia-Cheng, Steenkiste, Peter (2001): A conference gateway supporting interoperability between SIP and H.323. In: ACM Multimedia 2001 , 2001, . pp. 421-430.
Hengartner, Urs, Steenkiste, Peter (2005): Exploiting Information Relationships for Access Control. In: PerCom 2005 - 3rd IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 8-12 March, 2005, Kauai Island, HI, USA. pp. 269-278.
Hengartner, Urs, Steenkiste, Peter (2006): Avoiding Privacy Violations Caused by Context-Sensitive Services. In: PerCom 2006 - 4th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications 13-17 March, 2006, Pisa, Italy. pp. 222-233.
Judd, Glenn, Steenkiste, Peter (2003): Providing Contextual Information to Pervasive Computing Applications. In: PerCom03 - Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications March 23-26, 2003, Fort Worth, Texas, USA. pp. 133-142.