Author: Paul Kahn
Paul Kahn is an information architect, teacher and writer. Kahn began working with text processing systems as a production editor and systems analyst at Harvard University in 1977, and later as an application specialist for Atex, Inc. From 1985-1994 he was a member of the research staff at Brown University\'s Institute for Research in Information and Scholarship (IRIS). He co-founded the information design studio Dynamic Diagrams (d/D) with Krzysztof Lenk in 1991. When d/D was acquired by Ingenta, he served as Chief Technology Officer. After moving to France in 2001, he founded the information architecture studio Kahn+Associates, where he serves as managing director.
He taught interactive design at Rhode Island School of Design from 1994-2001, and since moving to France has taught at Ecole nationale supérieure des beaux-arts; École nationale supérieure des Télécommunications; Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne; and at Media Lab, Aalto University, Helsinki (Finland).
He is the co-author of Mapping Web Sites (with Krzysztof Lenk), which since its appearance in 2001 has been translated into French, German, Korean, and Spanish. He is the editor/publisher of NEW Magazine, international visual & verbal communications.
Productive Colleagues
Kahn, Paul, Moisand, Julia (2009): Patterns that Connect: the Value of Mapping Complex Data Networks. In Information Design Journal, 17 (3) pp. .
Kahn, Paul, Lenk, Krzysztof, Kaczmarek, Piotr (2002): Applications of isometric projection for visualizing web sites. In Information Design Journal, 1 (3) pp. . https://www.kahnplus.com/download/pdf/Kahn=Lenk=Kacz.pdf
Kahn, Paul (1995): Visual Cues for Local and Global Coherence in the WWW. In Communications of the ACM, 38 (8) pp. 67-69.
Haan, Bernard J., Kahn, Paul, Riley, Victor A., Coombs, James H., Meyrowitz, Norman K. (1992): IRIS Hypermedia Services. In Communications of the ACM, 35 (1) pp. 36-51.
Nyce, James M., Kahn, Paul (1989): Innovation, pragmaticism, and technological continuity: Vannevar Bush\'s memex. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 40 (3) pp. 214-220.