Author: Nozha Boujemaa


Publication period start: 2004
Number of co-authors: 8


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Olivier Buisson
Valérie Gouet-Brunet
Julien Fauqueur

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Julien Fauqueur
Chahab Nastar
Olivier Buisson


Fauqueur, Julien, Boujemaa, Nozha (2004): Region-based image retrieval: fast coarse segmentation and fine color description. In J. Vis. Lang. Comput., 15 (1) pp. 69-95.

Nastar, Chahab, Mitschke, Matthias, Meilhac, Christophe, Boujemaa, Nozha (1998): Surfimage: A Flexible Content-Based Image Retrieval System. In: ACM Multimedia 1998 , 1998, . pp. 339-344.

Sahbi, Hichem, Boujemaa, Nozha (2000): From coarse to fine skin and face detection. In: ACM Multimedia 2000 , 2000, . pp. 432-434.

Law-To, Julien, Buisson, Olivier, Gouet-Brunet, Valérie, Boujemaa, Nozha (2006): Robust voting algorithm based on labels of behavior for video copy detection. In: Nahrstedt, Klara, Turk, Matthew, Rui, Yong, Klas, Wolfgang, Mayer-Patel, Ketan (eds.) Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Multimedia October 23-27, 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, USA. pp. 835-844.

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