Author: Michael A. Norman


Publication period start: 2009
Number of co-authors: 8


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
William H. Mischo
Mary C. Schlembach
Dermot P. Browne

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Dermot P. Browne
L. A. Macaulay
Peter J. Thomas


Norman, Michael A., Thomas, Peter J. (1991): Informing HCI Design through Conversation Analysis. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 35 (2) pp. 235-250.

Totterdell, P. A., Norman, Michael A., Browne, Dermot P. (1987): Levels of Adaptivity in Interface Design. In: Bullinger, Hans-Jorg, Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 87 - 2nd IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction September 1-4, 1987, Stuttgart, Germany. pp. 715-722.

Browne, Dermot P., Sharratt, Brian D., Norman, Michael A. (1986): The Formal Specification of Adaptive User Interfaces Using Command Language Grammar. In: Mantei, Marilyn, Orbeton, Peter (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 86 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference April 13-17, 1986, Boston, Massachusetts. pp. 256-260.

Fountain, A. J., Norman, Michael A. (1985): Modelling User Behaviour with Formal Grammar. In: Johnson, Peter, Cook, Stephen (eds.) Proceedings of the Conference of the British Computer Society Human Computer Interaction Specialist Group - People and Computers I August 17-20, 1985, University of East Anglia. pp. 3-12.

Macaulay, L. A., Norman, Michael A. (1984): Designing Interfaces for Different Types of Users - Experimental Criteria. In: Shackel, Brian (eds.) INTERACT 84 - 1st IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction September 4-7, 1984, London, UK. pp. 643-647.

Mischo, William H., Schlembach, Mary C., Norman, Michael A. (2009): User search behaviors within a library gateway. In: JCDL09 Proceedings of the 2009 Joint International Conference on Digital Libraries , 2009, . pp. 431-432.

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