Leonel Morales Diaz

Author: Leonel Morales Diaz

For years has been researching into the concept of User-Interface. The primary product of this research is the Structured User Interface Design Methodology - SUID.
Also interested in usability engineering, interactive systems design and evaluation and new paradigms of interaction.


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 2


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Jose Luis de Leon
Arturo Rivera Perezgil

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Jose Luis de Leon
Arturo Rivera Perezgil


Diaz, Leonel Morales (1999): Strategies for a Better User Interface. In ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 31 (3) pp. 21-23. https://www.acm.org/sigchi/bulletin/1999.3/morales.pdf

Diaz, Leonel Morales (2001): Structured user interface design methodology. In: Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems March 31-April 1, 2001, Seattle, Washington, USA. pp. 51-52. https://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=634102

Diaz, Leonel Morales, Perezgil, Arturo Rivera (2007): Evidence of Bias in the Production of User Test Lists by Software Analysts, and Proposed M. In: Latin American Conference on Human-Computer Interaction CLIHC 2007 September 10-11, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. https://www.clihc.org/2007/papers/EvidenciaSesgo_ID36_shortpaper.pdf

Diaz, Leonel Morales, Leon, Jose Luis de (2008): An Empirical Verification of the Foundations of Structured User Interface Design SUID. In: ENC \08. Mexican International Conference on Computer Science October 6-10, 2008, Mexicali, México. pp. 8. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs_all.jsp?isnumber=4653219&arnumber=4653239&count=50&index=19

Diaz, Leonel Morales (2006): Los Tres Momentos de Toda Interacción Humano-Computador. In: Primer Taller de Interacción Humano-Computadora en México Oct 24-25, 2006, Puebla, México. https://ict.udlap.mx/mexihc/articulos.html

Diaz, Leonel Morales, Perezgil, Arturo Rivera (2010): Structured User Interface Design as a Lateral Thinking Tool. In: 2010 Second WRI World Congress on Software Engineering December 19-20, 2010, Wuhan, Hubei, China. pp. 4. https://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/WCSE.2010.138

Diaz, Leonel Morales (2010): Programming Languages as User Interfaces. In: MexIHC 2010, 3rd Mexican Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction November 8-10, 2010, San Luis Potosí, Mexico. pp. 9. https://www.mexihc.org/2010

Diaz, Leonel Morales (2012): Modeling and characterizing user interfaces at the electronic visualization laboratory. In: Zepeda, Sergio (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th Mexican Conference on Human-Computer Interaction October 3-5, 2012, Mexico DF, Mexico. pp. 9.15. https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2382176.2382179&coll=DL&dl=GUIDE&CFID=339822028&CFTOKEN=62844884

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