Author: Julien Green
Productive Colleagues
- John McCarthy
- Peter Naur
- Saul Gorn
- 20
- 23
- 25
Green, Julien (1966): Microprogramming, emulators and programming languages. In Communications of the ACM, 9 (3) pp. 230-232.
Woodger, Michael, Green, Julien (1966): Summary session. In Communications of the ACM, 9 (3) pp. 220-224.
Gorn, Saul, Bemer, Robert W., Green, Julien, Lohse, E. L. (1964): report on CCITT data communications study group meeting. In Communications of the ACM, 7 (3) pp. 152.
Gorn, Saul, Bemer, Robert W., Green, Julien, Lohse, E. L. (1964): Proposed american standard: bit sequencing of the american standard code for information i. In Communications of the ACM, 7 (6) pp. 333-336.
Backus, John W., Bauer, Friedrich L., Green, Julien, Katz, C., McCarthy, John, Perlis, Alan J., Rutishauser, Heinz, Samelson, Klaus, Vauquois, Bernard, Wegstein, Joseph Henry, Wijngaarden, Adriaan van, Woodger, Michael, Naur, Peter (1963): Revised report on the algorithm language ALGOL 60. In Communications of the ACM, 6 (1) pp. 1-17.
Gorn, Saul, Bemer, Robert W., Green, Julien (1963): American standard code for information interchange. In Communications of the ACM, 6 (8) pp. 422-426.
Backus, John W., Bauer, Friedrich L., Green, Julien, Katz, C., McCarthy, John, Perlis, Alan J., Rutishauser, Heinz, Samelson, Klaus, Vauquois, Bernard, Wegstein, Joseph Henry, Wijngaarden, Adriaan van, Woodger, Michael (1960): Report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60. In Communications of the ACM, 3 (5) pp. 299-314.
Green, Julien (1960): Symbol Manipulation in XTRAN. In Communications of the ACM, 3 (4) pp. 213-214.
Green, Julien (1959): Possible Modifications to the International Algebraic Language. In Communications of the ACM, 2 (2) pp. 6-8.
Green, Julien (1959): Remarks on ALGOL and Symbol Manipulation. In Communications of the ACM, 2 (9) pp. 25-27.