Author: Jürgen van Grinsven
Dr. Jurgen van Grinsven
Dr. ing. Jürgen H. M. van Grinsven, holds a Ph.D. from Delft University of Technology, a MSc degree (Drs.) in the social science, a BC degree (ing.) in technology management and a BC degree in electronics.
Dr. Van Grinsven is writing books, book chapters, scientific articles and joins inter- & national conferences. Further, he is involved in teaching courses, masterclasses, workshops, presentations and the supervision of students. Moreover, he is actively teaching courses such as: risk management, scenario analysis and risk modeling, regulatory requirements (e.g. Basel II, DNB, AFM, MiFID), Internal Control (AO/IC), facilitation skills, expert meetings and interview techniques.
Productive Colleagues
Grinsven, Jürgen van, Vreede, Gert-Jan de (2003): Addressing Productivity Concerns in Risk Management through Repeatable Distributed Collabo. In: HICSS 2003 , 2003, . pp. 22. https://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/hicss/2003/1874/01/187410022aabs.htm