Author: John C. Paolillo


Publication period start: 1999
Number of co-authors: 16


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Lois Ann Scheidt
Elijah Wright
Susan C. Herring

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Daniel O. Kutz
Michael Tyworth
Susan C. Herring


Paolillo, John C. (1999): The Virtual Speech Community: Social Network and Language Variation on IRC. In J. Computer-Mediated Communication, 4 (4) pp. .

Herring, Susan C., Kouper, Inna, Paolillo, John C., Scheidt, Lois Ann, Tyworth, Michael, Welsch, Peter, Wright, Elijah, Yu, Ning (2005): Conversations in the Blogosphere: An Analysis \"From the Bottom Up. In: HICSS 2005 - 38th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 3-6 January, 2005, Big Island, HI, USA.

Paolillo, John C. (2000): Visualizing Usenet: A Factor-Analytic Approach. In: HICSS 2000 , 2000, .

Paolillo, John C. (1999): The Virtual Speech Community: Social Network and Language Variation on IRC. In: HICSS 1999 , 1999, .

Paolillo, John C., Heald, David (2002): Democratic Participation in the Discursive Management of Usenet. In: HICSS 2002 , 2002, . pp. 114.

Paolillo, John C., Warren, Jonathan, Kunz, Breanne (2007): Social Network and Genre Emergence in Amateur Flash Multimedia. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 70.

Paolillo, John C., Penumarthy, Shashikant (2007): The Social Structure of Tagging Internet Video on In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 85.

Herring, Susan C., Paolillo, John C., Ramos-Vielba, Irene, Kouper, Inna, Wright, Elijah, Stoerger, Sharon, Scheidt, Lois Ann, Clark, Benjamin (2007): Language Networks on LiveJournal. In: HICSS 2007 - 40th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 3-6 January, 2007, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 79.

Paolillo, John C. (2008): Structure and Network in the YouTube Core. In: HICSS 2008 - 41st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 7-10 January, 2008, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 156.

Herring, Susan C., Kutz, Daniel O., Paolillo, John C., Zelenkauskaite, Asta (2009): Fast Talking, Fast Shooting: Text Chat in an Online First-Person Game. In: HICSS 2009 - 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 5-8 January, 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 1-10.

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