Author: Joep W. Frens
Productive Colleagues
Hummels, Caroline, Frens, Joep W. (2008): Designing for the unknown: A design process for the future generation of highly interactiv. In Reflective Practice, 4 (0) pp. 1-6.
Frens, Joep W. (2006): A rich user interface for a digital camera. In Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 10 (2) pp. 177-180.
Tomico, Oscar, Frens, Joep W., Overbeeke, Kees (2009): Co-reflection: user involvement for highly dynamic design processes. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 2695-2698.
Frens, Joep W., Djajadiningrat, J. P., Overbeeke, Kees (2004): Rich Interaction: Issues. In: Markopoulos, Panos, Eggen, Berry, Aarts, Emile H. L., Crowley, James L. (eds.) EUSAI 2004 - Ambient Intelligence - Second European Symposium November 8-11, 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. pp. 271-278.