Author: Jim Blascovich


Publication period start: 2009
Number of co-authors: 18


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Matthew Turk
Andrew C. Beall
Jeremy N. Bailenson

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Matthew Turk
Jack M. Loomis
Jeremy N. Bailenson


McCall, Cade, Bunyan, Debra P., Bailenson, Jeremy N., Blascovich, Jim, Beall, Andrew C. (2009): Leveraging Collaborative Virtual Environment Technology for Inter-Population Research on P. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 18 (5) pp. 361-369.

Persky, Susan, Blascovich, Jim (2008): Immersive Virtual Video Game Play and Presence: Influences on Aggressive Feelings and Beha. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 17 (1) pp. 57-72.

Bailenson, Jeremy N., Davies, Alexandra, Blascovich, Jim, Beall, Andrew C., McCall, Cade, Guadagno, Rosanna E. (2008): The Effects of Witness Viewpoint Distance, Angle, and Choice on Eyewitness Accuracy in Pol. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 17 (3) pp. 242-255.

Bailenson, Jeremy N., Swinth, Kimberly R., Hoyt, Crystal L., Persky, Susan, Dimov, Alex, Blascovich, Jim (2005): The Independent and Interactive Effects of Embodied-Agent Appearance and Behavior on Self-. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14 (4) pp. 379-393.

Bailenson, Jeremy N., Beall, Andrew C., Blascovich, Jim, Rex, Christopher (2004): Examining Virtual Busts: Are Photogrammetrically Generated Head Models Effective for Perso. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 13 (4) pp. 416-427.

Bailenson, Jeremy N., Beall, Andrew C., Loomis, Jack M., Blascovich, Jim, Turk, Matthew (2004): Transformed Social Interaction: Decoupling Representation from Behavior and Form in Collab. In Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 13 (4) pp. 428-441.

Bailenson, Jeremy N., Beall, Andrew C., Blascovich, Jim (2002): Gaze and task performance in shared virtual environments. In Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation, 13 (5) pp. 313-320.

Turk, Matthew, Bailenson, Jeremy N., Beall, Andrew C., Blascovich, Jim, Guadagno, Rosanna E. (2004): Multimodal transformed social interaction. In: Sharma, Rajeev, Darrell, Trevor, Harper, Mary P., Lazzari, Gianni, Turk, Matthew (eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces - ICMI 2004 October 13-15, 2004, State College, PA, USA. pp. 46-52.

Bailenson, Jeremy N., Beall, Andrew C., Blascovich, Jim, Raimundo, Mike, Weisbuch, Max (2001): Intelligent Agents Who Wear Your Face: Users\' Reactions to the Virtual Self. In: Antonio, Angelica de, Aylett, Ruth, Ballin, Daniel (eds.) IVA 2001 - Intelligent Virtual Agents - Third International Workshop September 10-11, 2001, Madrid, Spain. pp. 86-99.

Turk, Matthew, Bailenson, Jeremy, Beall, Andrew, Blascovich, Jim, Guadagno, Rosanna (2004): Multimodal transformed social interaction. In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces , 2004, . pp. 46-52.

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