Author: Gudela Grote


Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 19


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Nadine Bienefeld
Michaela Kolbe
Sven Grund

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Kimberly Smith-Jentsch
Matthew B. Weinger
Eduardo Salas


Gerber, Marius, Grund, Sven, Grote, Gudela (2008): Distributed collaboration activities in a blended learning scenario and the effects on lea. In J. Comp. Assisted Learning, 24 (3) pp. 232-244.

Grote, Gudela, Ryser, Cornelia, Waler, Toni, Windischer, Anna, Weik, Steffen (2000): KOMPASS: A Method for Complementary Function Allocation in Automated Work Systems. In International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 52 (2) pp. 267-287.

Grote, Gudela, Baitsch, Christof (1991): Reciprocal Effects between Organizational Culture and the Implementation of an Office Comm. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 10 (3) pp. 207-218.

Grund, Sven, Grote, Gudela (2001): Multimediales Lernen: Wie wichtig ist die Gegenständlichkeit?. In: Oberquelle, Horst, Oppermann, Reinhard, Krause, Jürgen (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2001 March 5-8, 2001, Bad Honnef, Germany.

Grund, Sven, Windlinger, Lukas, Grote, Gudela (2002): \"Wunsch\" und \"Wirklichkeit\" in der Nutzung eines web-basierten Kurses an einer Univers. In: Herczeg, Michael, Oberquelle, Horst (eds.) Mensch and Computer 2002 September 2-5, 2002, Hamburg, Germany.

Kolbe, Michaela, Kunzle, Barbara, Zala-Mezo, Eniko, Burtscher, Michael J., Wacker, Johannes, Spahn, Donat R., Grote, Gudela (2010): THE FUNCTIONS OF TEAM MONITORING AND TALKING TO THE ROOM FOR PERFORMANCE IN ANESTHESIA TEA. In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 54th Annual Meeting , 2010, . pp. 857-861.

Kolbe, Michaela, Grote, Gudela, Barshi, Immanuel, Salas, Eduardo, Weinger, Matthew B., Smith-Jentsch, Kimberly, Bienefeld, Nadine (2011): Human Factors Training in Aviation And Healthcare: What We Know Works Best and How to Put . In: Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting , 2011, . pp. 2105-2108.

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