Author: Gitta Domik


Publication period start: 1994
Number of co-authors: 5


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Sabine Volbracht
Khatoun Shahrbabaki
Gregor Fels

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Gregor Fels
Bernd Gutkauf
Frank Goetz


Domik, Gitta (2000): Do We Need Formal Education in Visualization?. In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 20 (4) pp. 16-19.

Volbracht, Sabine, Domik, Gitta, Shahrbabaki, Khatoun, Fels, Gregor (1997): How Effective are 3D Display Modes?. In: Pemberton, Steven (eds.) Proceedings of the ACM CHI 97 Human Factors in Computing Systems Conference March 22-27, 1997, Atlanta, Georgia. pp. 540-541.

Domik, Gitta (1994): Visualization education. In Computers & Graphics, 18 (3) pp. 277-280.

Domik, Gitta (1993): Guidelines for a curriculum in scientific visualization. In Computers & Graphics, 17 (2) pp. 185-191.

Domik, Gitta, Gutkauf, Bernd (1994): User Modeling for Adaptive Visualization Systems. In: Bergeron, R. Daniel, Kaufman, Arie E. (eds.) VIS 1994 - Proceedings IEEE Visualization 1994 October 17-21, 1994, Washington, DC, USA. pp. 217-223.

Volbracht, Sabine, Shahrbabaki, Khatoun, Domik, Gitta, Fels, Gregor (1996): Perspective viewing, Anaglyph stereo or Shutter glass stereo?. In: VL 1996 , 1996, . pp. 192-193.

Goetz, Frank, Domik, Gitta (2004): openVisaar: Enriching Cooperative Visualization by Combining Open Technologies. In: Luo, Yuhua (eds.) Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, First International Conference - CDVE 2004 Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2004, September 19-22. pp. 38-46.

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