Author: Gabriella Kazai


Publication period start: 2012
Number of co-authors: 39


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Keith van Rijsbergen
Natasa Milic-Frayling
Mounia Lalmas

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Ian Ruthven
Mounia Lalmas
Norbert Fuhr


Kazai, Gabriella, Lalmas, Mounia (2006): eXtended cumulated gain measures for the evaluation of content-oriented XML retrieval. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 24 (4) pp. 503-542.

Kazai, Gabriella, Lalmas, Mounia, Fuhr, Norbert, Govert, Norbert (2004): A report on the first year of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML retrieval. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55 (6) pp. 551-556.

Rolleke, Thomas, Lubeck, Ralf, Kazai, Gabriella (2001): The HySpirit retrieval platform. In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2001, . pp. 454.

Kazai, Gabriella, Lalmas, Mounia, Vries, Arjen P. de (2004): The overlap problem in content-oriented XML retrieval evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2004, . pp. 72-79.

Oleksik, Gerard, Wilson, Max L., Tashman, Craig, Rodrigues, Eduarda Mendes, Kazai, Gabriella, Smyth, Gavin, Milic-Frayling, Natasa, Jones, Rachel (2009): Lightweight tagging expands information and activity management practices. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2009 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2009, . pp. 279-288.

Kazai, Gabriella, Milic-Frayling, Natasa (2008): Trust, authority and popularity in social information retrieval. In: Shanahan, James G., Amer-Yahia, Sihem, Manolescu, Ioana, Zhang, Yi, Evans, David A., Kolcz, Aleksander, Choi, Key-Sun, Chowdhury, Abdur (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM 2008 October 26-30, 2008, Napa Valley, California, USA. pp. 1503-1504.

Ali, Mir Sadek, Consens, Mariano P., Kazai, Gabriella, Lalmas, Mounia (2008): Structural relevance: a common basis for the evaluation of structured document retrieval. In: Shanahan, James G., Amer-Yahia, Sihem, Manolescu, Ioana, Zhang, Yi, Evans, David A., Kolcz, Aleksander, Choi, Key-Sun, Chowdhury, Abdur (eds.) Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management - CIKM 2008 October 26-30, 2008, Napa Valley, California, USA. pp. 1153-1162.

Kazai, Gabriella, Milic-Frayling, Natasa, Costello, Jamie (2009): Towards methods for the collective gathering and quality control of relevance assessments. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2009, . pp. 452-459.

Kazai, Gabriella, Lalmas, Mounia, Reid, Jane (2003): Construction of a Test Collection for the Focussed Retrieval of Structured Documents. In: Sebastiani, Fabrizio (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 25th European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2003 April 14-16, 2003, Pisa, Italy. pp. 88-103.

Kazai, Gabriella, Masood, Sherezad, Lalmas, Mounia (2004): A Study of the Assessment of Relevance for the INEX'02 Test Collection. In: Mcdonald, Sharon, Tait, John (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 26th European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2004 April 5-7, 2004, Sunderland, UK. pp. 296-310.

Rolleke, Thomas, Lalmas, Mounia, Kazai, Gabriella, Ruthven, Ian, Quicker, Stefan (2002): The Accessibility Dimension for Structured Document Retrieval. In: Crestani, Fabio, Girolami, Mark, Rijsbergen, C. J. Van (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 24th BCS-IRSG European Colloquium on IR Research March 25-27, 2002, Glasgow, UK. pp. 284-302.

Wu, Hengzhi, Kazai, Gabriella, Taylor, Michael (2008): Book Search Experiments: Investigating IR Methods for the Indexing and Retrieval of Books. In: Macdonald, Craig, Ounis, Iadh, Plachouras, Vassilis, Ruthven, Ian, White, Ryen W. (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 30th European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2008 March 30-April 3, 2008, Glasgow, UK. pp. 234-245.

Gurrin, Cathal, He, Yulan, Kazai, Gabriella, Kruschwitz, Udo, Little, Suzanne, Roelleke, Thomas, Rüger, Stefan M., Rijsbergen, Keith van (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 32nd European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2010 March 28-31, 2010, Milton Keynes, UK.

Gurrin, Cathal, He, Yulan, Kazai, Gabriella, Kruschwitz, Udo, Little, Suzanne, Roelleke, Thomas, Rüger, Stefan M., Rijsbergen, Keith van (2010): Recent Developments in Information Retrieval. In: Gurrin, Cathal, He, Yulan, Kazai, Gabriella, Kruschwitz, Udo, Little, Suzanne, Roelleke, Thomas, Rüger, Stefan M., Rijsbergen, Keith van (eds.) Advances in Information Retrieval - 32nd European Conference on IR Research - ECIR 2010 March 28-31, 2010, Milton Keynes, UK. pp. 1-9.

Kazai, Gabriella, Kamps, Jaap, Koolen, Marijn, Milic-Frayling, Natasa (2011): Crowdsourcing for book search evaluation: impact of hit design on comparative system ranki. In: Proceedings of the 34th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2011, . pp. 205-214.

Hosseini, Mehdi, Cox, Ingemar J., Milic-Frayling, Nataša, Kazai, Gabriella, Vinay, Vishwa (2012): On aggregating labels from multiple crowd workers to infer relevance of documents. In: Proceedings of the 2012 BCS-IRSG European Conference on Information Retrieval , 2012, . pp. 182-194.

Yilmaz, Emine, Kazai, Gabriella, Craswell, Nick, Tahaghoghi, Saied Mehrizi (2012): On judgments obtained from a commercial search engine. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval , 2012, . pp. 1115-1116.

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