Author: Frédéric Vella
Productive Colleagues
Magnien, Laurent, Bouraoui, Jean-Léon, Vella, Frédéric (2003): Using visual cues to help text entry on PDAs. In: Proceedings of the 2003 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2003, . pp. 252-255.
Vella, Frédéric, Collignon, Agnès, David, Amélie, Chabbert, Valérie, Vigouroux, Nadine (2005): Pour une meilleure utilisabilité des pages web par des handicapés moteurs: modèle d. In: Proceedings of the 2005 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2005, . pp. 239-242.
Vella, Frédéric, Raynal, Mathieu, Boissiere, Philippe, Vigouroux, Nadine (2005): Techniques d\'optimisation de la saisie de texte sur clavier virtuel. In: Proceedings of the 2005 Conference of the Association Francophone dInteraction Homme-Machine , 2005, . pp. 349-350.
Lepicard, Guillaume, Vella, Frédéric, Vigouroux, Nadine, Rigolleau, Benoît, Chautard, David, Pucheu, Elian (2007): The Virtual Paddle: An Universal Interaction for Accessible Video Games. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Applications and Services, 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, UAHCI 2007 Held as Part of HCI International 2007 Beijing, China, July 22-27, 2007 Proceedings, Part July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 677-686.