Author: Donna Bergmark
Productive Colleagues
- Carl Lagoze
- Leslie Carr
- Wendy Hall
- 22
- 23
- 58
Pancake, Cherri M., Bergmark, Donna (1990): Do Parallel Languages Respond to the Needs of Scientific Programmers?. In IEEE Computer, 23 (12) pp. 13-23.
Hitchcock, Steve, Carr, Leslie, Jiao, Zhuoan, Bergmark, Donna, Hall, Wendy, Lagoze, Carl, Harnad, Stevan (2000): Developing Services for Open Eprint Archives: Globalisation, Integration and the Impact of. In: DL00: Proceedings of the 5th ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries , 2000, . pp. 143-151.
Bergmark, Donna (2002): Collection synthesis. In: JCDL02: Proceedings of the 2nd ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries , 2002, . pp. 253-262.