Author: Dan Lockton
BSc(Hons) MPhil
Doctoral student at Brunel University, London, researching \'Design with Intent\': how the design of products, services and environments can be used to influence user behaviour for social benefit - in particular, reducing the environmental impact of use (Design for Sustainable Behaviour). Author of the Architectures of Control / Design with Intent blog (since 2005).
Productive Colleagues
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Stanton, Neville A. (2008): Making the user more efficient: design for sustainable behaviour. In International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 1 (1) pp. 3-8. https://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~content=a793147966
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Stanton, Neville A. (2008): Design with Intent: Persuasive Technology in a Wider Context. In: Oinas-Kukkonen, Harri, Hasle, Per F. V., Harjumaa, Marja, Segerståhl, Katarina, Oehrstroem, Peter (eds.) PERSUASIVE 2008 - Persuasive Technology, Third International Conference June 4-6, 2008, Oulu, Finland. pp. 274-278. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-68504-3_30
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Holley, Tim, Stanton, Neville A. (2009): Influencing Interaction: Development of the Design with Intent Method. In: PERSUASIVE 2009 - Persuasive Technology, Fourth International Conference April 26-29, 2009, Claremont, California. https://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1541956
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Stanton, Neville A. (2009): Choice Architecture and Design with Intent. In: Wong, William, Stanton, Neville A. (eds.) NDM9 - 9th Bi-annual International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making June 23-26, 2009, London, England. pp. 355-361. https://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=ConWebDoc.26891
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Stanton, Neville A. (2009). Design for Behaviour Change: The Design with Intent Toolkit v.0.9. Retrieved from Brunel University: https://www.designwithintent.co.uk
Lockton, Dan, Harrison, David, Holley, Tim, Stanton, Neville A. (2009): Influencing interaction: development of the design with intent method. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Persuasive Technology , 2009, . pp. 5. https://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1541948.1541956