Author: Christopher Schlick


Publication period start: 2011
Number of co-authors: 21


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
D. Herbst
J. Stahl
Holger Luczak

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Jan Borchers
Jürgen Ziegler
Martina Ziefle


Pfendler, Claudius, Schlick, Christopher (2007): A comparative study of mobile map displays in a geographic orientation task. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 26 (6) pp. 455-463.

Wolf, Martin, Foltz, Christian, Schlick, Christopher, Luczak, Holger (2002): Development and Evaluation of a Groupware System to Support Chemical Design Processes. In International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 14 (2) pp. 181-198.

Killich, S., Luczak, Holger, Schlick, Christopher, Weissenbach, M., Wiedenmaier, S., Ziegler, Jürgen (1999): Task Modelling for Cooperative Work. In Behaviour and Information Technology, 18 (5) pp. 325-338.

Reuth, R., Schlick, Christopher, Luczak, Holger (2001): A Simulation Approach: Comparative Assessment of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities in Autono. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 2001, . pp. 212-216.

Springer, Johannes, Herbst, D., Schlick, Christopher, Stahl, J. (1995): Personal Communication and Telecooperation in Product Design -- Requirements for Telecoope. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction July 9-14, 1995, Tokyo, Japan. pp. 793-798.

Schlick, Christopher, Herbst, D., Springer, Johannes, Stahl, J. (1997): Investigation of Desktop-Teleconferencing Systems in Automotive Design. In: Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction , 1997, . pp. 305-308.

Wolf, M., Foltz, C., Schlick, Christopher, Luczak, Holger (1999): Groupware support for chemical process design. In: , 1999, . pp. 343-347.

Wacharamanotham, Chat, Hurtmanns, Jan, Mertens, Alexander, Kronenbuerger, Martin, Schlick, Christopher, Borchers, Jan (2011): Evaluating swabbing: a touchscreen input method for elderly users with tremor. In: Proceedings of ACM CHI 2011 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems , 2011, . pp. 623-626.

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