Author: Cecilia Sik-Lányi


Publication period start: 2006
Number of co-authors: 19


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Zoltán Geiszt
Rita Mátrai
Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Zoltán Geiszt
Rita Mátrai
Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán


Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Geiszt, Zoltán, Károlyi, Péter, Tilinger, Ádám, Magyar, Viktor (2006): Virtual Reality in Special Needs Early Education. In IJVR, 5 (4) pp. 55-68.

Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Forrai, Sándor, Czank, Nóra, Hajgató, Ágnes (2007): On Developing Validator Software XValid for Testing Home Pages of Universal Design. In: Stephanidis, Constantine (eds.) UAHCI 2007 - 4th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction - Part 1 July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 284-293.

Schanda, János, Sik-Lányi, Cecilia (2007): Colour Correct Digital Museum on the Internet. In: Shumaker, Randall (eds.) ICVR 2007 - Virtual Reality - Second International Conference - Part 1 July 22-27, 2007, Beijing, China. pp. 708-717.

Geiszt, Zoltán, Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Károlyi, Péter (2006): Flexibility in Virtual Environments - A Fully Adjustable Virtual Classroom. In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Karshmer, Arthur I. (eds.) ICCHP 2006 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 10th International Conference July 11-13, 2006, Linz, Austria. pp. 823-830.

Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Bacsa, Erzsébet, Mátrai, Rita, Kosztyán, Zsolt Tibor, Pataky, Ilona (2004): The Design Question of Development of Multimedia Educational Software for Aphasia Patients. In: Klaus, Joachim, Miesenberger, Klaus, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Burger, Dominique (eds.) ICCHP 2004 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 9th International Conference July 7-9, 2004, Paris, France. pp. 6-13.

Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Magyar, Viktor (2006): Wireless Communicator for Patients in Intensive Care. In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Karshmer, Arthur I. (eds.) ICCHP 2006 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 10th International Conference July 11-13, 2006, Linz, Austria. pp. 508-515.

Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Tilinger, Ádám (2004): Multimedia and Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of Autistic Children. In: Klaus, Joachim, Miesenberger, Klaus, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Burger, Dominique (eds.) ICCHP 2004 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 9th International Conference July 7-9, 2004, Paris, France. pp. 22-28.

Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Váry, Ágnes, Sik, András, Nemetz, András, Geiszt, Zoltán (2004): Multimedia Programs for Children with Hearing Difficulties. In: Klaus, Joachim, Miesenberger, Klaus, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Burger, Dominique (eds.) ICCHP 2004 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 9th International Conference July 7-9, 2004, Paris, France. pp. 14-21.

Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Galyas, László (2008): Developing Multimedia-Game Software to Improve Space and Depth Perception. In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Karshmer, Arthur I. (eds.) ICCHP 2008 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 11th International Conference July 9-11, 2008, Linz, Austria. pp. 827-834.

Mátrai, Rita, Kosztyán, Zsolt Tibor, Sik-Lányi, Cecilia (2008): Analysing the 2D, 3D and Web User Interface Navigation Structures of Normal Users and User. In: Miesenberger, Klaus, Klaus, Joachim, Zagler, Wolfgang L., Karshmer, Arthur I. (eds.) ICCHP 2008 - Computers Helping People with Special Needs - 11th International Conference July 9-11, 2008, Linz, Austria. pp. 386-393.

Mátrai, Rita, Sik-Lányi, Cecilia, Kosztyán, Zsolt Tibor (2005): User Interface Issues of \"DysLearning\" Software for Dyslexic Children. In: Holzinger, Andreas, Weidmann, Karl-Heinz (eds.) 1st Usability Symposium, HCI&UE Workgroup 8 November, 2005, Vienna, Austria. pp. 117-126.

Horváth, Milán, Dániel, Csaba, Stark, Jacqueline, Sik-Lányi, Cecilia (2008): Development of the Virtual ELA-House. In: Bobbitt, Russell, Connell, Jonathan H., Flickner, Myron, Haas, Norman, Hampapur, Arun, Harris, Dick, Kurtz, Charles, Lloyd, Bill, Otto, Charles, Pankanti, Sharath, Park, Unsang, Payne, Jason (eds.) Retail Vision-Based Self-checkout - Exploring Real Time Real Purpose General Vision System , 2008, . pp. 519-523.

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