Author: Carl Kesselman


Publication period start: 2004
Number of co-authors: 14


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Hongsuda Tangmunarunkit
Steven Tuecke
Ian T. Foster

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Andreas Harth
Ian T. Foster
Stefan Decker


Foster, Ian T., Kesselman, Carl (2006): Scaling System-Level Science: Scientific Exploration and IT Implications. In IEEE Computer, 39 (11) pp. 31-39.

Foster, Ian T., Kesselman, Carl, Nick, Jeffrey M., Tuecke, Steven (2002): Grid Services for Distributed System Integration. In IEEE Computer, 35 (6) pp. 37-46.

Butler, Randy, Welch, Von, Engert, Douglas, Foster, Ian T., Tuecke, Steven, Volmer, John, Kesselman, Carl (2000): A National-Scale Authentication Infrastructur. In IEEE Computer, 33 (12) pp. 60-66.

Foster, Ian T., Insley, Joseph A., Laszewski, Gregor von, Kesselman, Carl, Thiébaux, Marcus (1999): Distance Visualization: Data Exploration on the Grid. In IEEE Computer, 32 (12) pp. 36-43.

Kesselman, Carl (2004): Applications of Intelligent Agent Technology to The Grid. In: 2004 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence WI 2004 20-24 September, 2004, Beijing, China. pp. 4.

Harth, Andreas, Decker, Stefan, He, Yu, Tangmunarunkit, Hongsuda, Kesselman, Carl (2004): A semantic matchmaker service on the grid. In: Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on the World Wide Web , 2004, . pp. 326-327.

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