![Bram T. A. Kersten](https://public-images.interaction-design.org/literature/authors/38067.jpg?tr=w-112,h-112)
Author: Bram T. A. Kersten
MSc. PDEng.
Mr. Kersten first came in contact with User Centred Design in 2000, during the study "Human Technology Interaction". He has gained experience as an ‘Interaction Designer' and ‘Usability Engineer' in several environments and is used in working in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams. Within a design process, he has learned to design from the customer perspective (User Centred Design). Mr. Kersten is a social person with a calm appearance who is very involved and has good communicative skills. He is eager to learn, quickly adapts to a new environment and can work individually as well as in a team. He is focused on delivering quality and therefore works very accurately while paying close attention to the fixed deadline.
Productive Colleagues
Amin, A. K., Kersten, Bram T. A., Kulyk, Olga A., Pelgrim, Elly, Wang, Jimmy, Markopoulos, Panos (2005): The SenseMS: Enriching the SMS Experience for Teens by Non-verbal Means. In: Proceedings of IFIP INTERACT05: Human-Computer Interaction , 2005, . pp. 962-965. https://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=article&id=doi:10.1007/11555261_80
Amin, A. K., Kersten, Bram T. A., Kulyk, Olga A., Pelgrim, P. H., Wang, C. M., Markopoulos, Panos (2005): SenseMS: a user-centered approach to enrich the messaging experience for teens by non-verb. In: Proceedings of 7th conference on Human-computer interaction with mobile devices and services , 2005, . pp. 161-166. https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1085777.1085804
Kersten, Bram T. A., Thomas, Bruce, Rama, Mili Docampo (2007): Multi-stakeholder co-assessment of personal healthcare innovations. In: 4th International Conference on Inclusive Design April 2-4, 2007, London, UK. https://www.hhc.rca.ac.uk/kt/include/2007/proceedings/paper.php?ID=2_146