Author: Ariel Guersenzvaig

Ariel Guersenzvaig is Design and Technology Ethicist based in Barcelona, Spain. He is a senior lecturer at ELISAVA School of Design and Engineering. Before becoming a full-time academic he worked for the industry for 20+ years in the field of user experience and service design.

His researches focus on which normative directions can meaningfully guide professional design activity, both individually and collectively. He also conducts research into the implications design work has for the designer's self-growth as a person, searching for ways to discover and navigate the complex tensions between personal and professional life. He is the author of "The Goods of Design: Professional Ethics for Designers” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2021), a volume that examines design through the lens of professions, and offers a critical vision that enables practitioners, academics, and students of design in all disciplines to reflect on the practice’s overarching purposes.

Another important locus of research is the ethical impact of machine intelligence on society, with a focus on autonomous weapons and algorithmic justice. He has published in academic journals such as ACM Interactions, AI & Society, Journal of Design Research, and IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. He holds a Ph.D. in Design Theory from the University of Southampton (UK), an MA in Ethics from the University of Birmingham (UK).

Twitter: @interacciones





Publication period start: 2002


Guersenzvaig, Ariel (2002): SQR. In Interactions, 9 (2) pp. 103-105.

Guersenzvaig, A. (2021). The Goods of Design: Professional Ethics for Designers. New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

Guersenzvaig, A. (2021). ¿Puede el aprendizaje automático fortalecer la teoría bioestadística de Boorse? In A. Estany & D. Casacuberta (Eds.), Epistemología e Innovaciones en Medicina. Madrid: Plaza y Valdés.

Guersenzvaig, A., & Casacuberta, D. (2020). Los peligros del algoritmo en tiempos del Coronavirus. El País, p. (30/03/2020).

Guersenzvaig, A. (2019). Book Review: “Ruined by Design”. Journal of Design Research, 17(1), 87-91.

Sangüesa, R., & Guersenzvaig, A. (2019). AI as a Design Material: Dealing with New Agencies. Temes de Disseny(35), 6-25.

Casacuberta, D., & Guersenzvaig, A. (2019). Using Dreyfus’ legacy to understand justice in algorithm-based processes. AI & Society, 34(2), 313-319.

Guersenzvaig, A. (2018a). Autonomous Weapon Systems: Failing the Principle of Discrimination. IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 37(1), 55-61.

Guersenzvaig, A. (2018c). Si todo está diseñado ¿todos somos diseñadores? In A.

Guersenzvaig, P. Garcia, & S. Pearson (Eds.), Design Does (pp. 262-271). Barcelona: ELISAVA Edicions.

Guersenzvaig, A. (2016). Llagostera Youth Center. In E. Resnick (Ed.), Developing Citizen Designers (pp. 218-221). New York: Bloomsbury.