
Publication period start: 2007
Number of co-authors: 60


Number of publications with favourite co-authors
Clyde W. Holsapple
Ai-Mei Chang
Jan Stallaert

Productive Colleagues

Most productive colleagues in number of publications
Ramayya Krishnan
Ronald J. Vetter
Clyde W. Holsapple


Gopal, Ram D., Tung, Y. Alex, Whinston, Andrew B. (2007): Efficiency Considerations in Online Auction Markets. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 17 (4) pp. 311-328.

Parameswaran, Manoj, Zhao, Xia, Whinston, Andrew B., Fang, Fang (2007): Reengineering the Internet for Better Security. In IEEE Computer, 40 (1) pp. 40-44.

Huang, Yun, Geng, Xianjun, Whinston, Andrew B. (2007): Defeating DDoS attacks by fixing the incentive chain. In ACM Trans. Internet Techn., 7 (1) pp. .

Raghu, T. S., Ramesh, Ram, Whinston, Andrew B. (2005): Addressing the homeland security problem: A collaborative decision-making framework. In JASIST - Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56 (3) pp. 310-324.

Shin, Seungkyoon, Gopal, Ram D., Sanders, G. Lawrence, Whinston, Andrew B. (2004): Global software piracy revisited. In Communications of the ACM, 47 (1) pp. 103-107.

Geng, Xianjun, Gopal, Ram D., Ramesh, Ram, Whinston, Andrew B. (2003): Scaling Web Services with Capacity Provision Networks. In IEEE Computer, 36 (11) pp. 64-72.

Tung, Y. Alex, Gopal, Ram D., Whinston, Andrew B. (2003): Multiple Online Auctions. In IEEE Computer, 36 (2) pp. 100-102.

Raghu, T. S., Ramesh, Ram, Whinston, Andrew B. (2002): Next Steps for Mobile Entertainment Portals. In IEEE Computer, 35 (5) pp. 63-70.

Geng, Xianjun, Whinston, Andrew B. (2001): Profiting from Value-Added Wireless Services. In IEEE Computer, 34 (8) pp. 87-89.

Parameswaran, Manoj, Susarla, Anjana, Whinston, Andrew B. (2001): P2P Networking: An Information-Sharing Alternative. In IEEE Computer, 34 (7) pp. 31-38.

Saatcioglu, Kemal, Stallaert, Jan, Whinston, Andrew B. (2001): Design of a financial portal. In Communications of the ACM, 44 (6) pp. 33-38.

Barua, Anitesh, Whinston, Andrew B., Yin, Fang (2000): Value and Productivity in the Internet Economy. In IEEE Computer, 33 (5) pp. 102-105.

Wang, Wenli, Hidvégi, Zoltán, Jr., Andrew D. Bailey, Whinston, Andrew B. (2000): E-Process Design and Assurance Using Model Checking. In IEEE Computer, 33 (10) pp. 48-53.

Weaver, Alfred C., Vetter, Ronald J., Whinston, Andrew B., Swigger, Kathleen M. (2000): Guest Editors\' Introduction: The Future of E-Commerce. In IEEE Computer, 33 (10) pp. 30-31.

Fan, Ming, Stallaert, Jan, Whinston, Andrew B. (2000): The Internet and the future of financial markets. In Communications of the ACM, 43 (11) pp. 82-88.

Choi, Soon-Yong, Whinston, Andrew B. (1999): The Future of E-Commerce: Integrate and Customize. In IEEE Computer, 32 (1) pp. 133-134.

Fan, Ming, Stallaert, Jan, Whinston, Andrew B. (1999): A Web-Based Financial Trading System. In IEEE Computer, 32 (4) pp. 64-70.

Gupta, Alok, Stahl, Dale O., Whinston, Andrew B. (1999): The Economics of Network Management. In Communications of the ACM, 42 (9) pp. 57-63.

Kannan, P. K., Chang, Ai-Mei, Whinston, Andrew B. (1998): Marketing Information on the I-Way: Data Junkyard or Information Gold Mine?. In Communications of the ACM, 41 (3) pp. 35-43.

Gupta, Alok, Jukic, Boris, Parameswaran, Manoj, Stahl, Dale O., Whinston, Andrew B. (1997): Streamlining the Digital Economy: How to Avert a Tragedy of the Commons. In IEEE Internet Computing, 1 (6) pp. 38-46.

Whinston, Andrew B. (1997): Electronic Commerce: A Shift in Paradigm - Guest Editor\'s Introduction. In IEEE Internet Computing, 1 (6) pp. 17-19.

Chellappa, Rama, Barua, Anitesh, Whinston, Andrew B. (1997): An Electronic Infrastructure for a Virtual University. In Communications of the ACM, 40 (9) pp. 56-58.

Applegate, Lynda M., Holsapple, Clyde W., Kalakota, Ravi, Radermacher, Franz J., Whinston, Andrew B. (1996): Editorial: Electronic Commerce: Building Blocks of New Business Opportunity. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 6 (1) pp. 1-10.

Kalakota, Ravi, Stallaert, Jan, Whinston, Andrew B. (1996): Worldwide Real-Time Decision Support Systems for Electronic Commerce Applications. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 6 (1) pp. 11-32.

Ravindran, Suryanarayanan, Barua, Anitesh, Lee, Byungtae, Whinston, Andrew B. (1996): Strategies for Smart Shopping in Cyberspace. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 6 (1) pp. 33-50.

Gupta, Alok, Stahl, Dale O., Whinston, Andrew B. (1996): An Economic Approach to Networked Computing With Priority Classes. In Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 6 (1) pp. 71-96.

Hämäläinen, Matti, Whinston, Andrew B., Vishik, Svetlana (1996): Electronic Markets for Learning: Education Brokerages on the Internet. In Communications of the ACM, 39 (6) pp. 51-58.

Barua, Anitesh, Chellappa, Ramnath, Whinston, Andrew B. (1995): Creating a Collaboratory in Cyberspace: Theoretical Foundation and an Implementation. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 5 (4) pp. 417-442.

Applegate, Lynda, Whinston, Andrew B. (1994): Introduction to the Special Issue: Organizational Computing Coordination and Collaboration. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 4 (3) pp. iii-iv.

Bhargava, Hemant K., Krishnan, Ramayya, Whinston, Andrew B. (1994): On Integrating Collaboration and Decision Analysis Techniques. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 4 (3) pp. 297-316.

Whinston, Andrew B. (1993): Introduction to the Special Issue. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 3 (1) pp. iii.

Chang, Ai-Mei, Bailey, Jr. Andrew D., Mutchler, Jane F., Whinston, Andrew B. (1993): Modeling the Going-Concern Judgment Using Argumentation Theory. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 3 (1) pp. 51-85.

Rein, Gail L., Holsapple, Clyde W., Whinston, Andrew B. (1993): Computer Support of Organization Design and Learning. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 3 (1) pp. 87-120.

Ching, Chee, Holsapple, Clyde W., Whinston, Andrew B. (1993): Modeling Network Organizations: A Basis for Exploring Computer Support Coordination Possib. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 3 (3) pp. 279-300.

Jacob, Varghese S., Moore, James C., Whinston, Andrew B. (1992): Design of Interactive Systems -- A Formal Approach. In International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 37 (1) pp. 23-46.

Whinston, Andrew B. (1992): Introduction to the Special Issue. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 2 (1) pp. i.

Hamalainen, Matti, Hashim, Safaa, Holsapple, Clyde W., Suh, Yongmoo, Whinston, Andrew B. (1992): Structured Discourse for Scientific Collaboration: A Framework for Scientific Collaboratio. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 2 (1) pp. 1-26.

Singh, Baldev, Whinston, Andrew B. (1991): Introduction to the Special Issues. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 1 (1) pp. iii.

Applegate, Lynda, Ellis, Clarence, Holsapple, Clyde W., Radermacher, Franz J., Whinston, Andrew B. (1991): Organizational Computing: Definitions and Issues. In Journal of Organizational Computing, 1 (1) pp. 1-10.

Bailey Jr, Andrew D., Gerlach, James H., McAfee, R. Preston, Whinston, Andrew B. (1983): An OIS Model for Internal Accounting Control Evaluation. In ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 1 (1) pp. 25-44.

Bailey Jr, Andrew D., Gerlach, James H., McAfee, R. Preston, Whinston, Andrew B. (1982): An OIS Model for Internal Control Evaluation. In: Limb, John O. (eds.) Proceedings of the SIGOA Conference on Office Information Systems 1982 June 21-23, 1982, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. pp. 27-28.

Ba, Sulin, Whinston, Andrew B., Lang, Karl Reiner (1995): An enterprise modeling approach to organizational decision support. In: HICSS 1995 , 1995, . pp. 312-320.

Chang, Ai-Mei, Kannan, P. K., Whinston, Andrew B. (1998): \"Goodies\" in Exchange for Consumer Information on the Internet: The Economics and Issues. In: HICSS 1998 , 1998, . pp. 533-.

Chang, Ai-Mei, Kannan, P. K., Whinston, Andrew B. (1999): Electronic Communities as Intermediaries: The Issues and Economics. In: HICSS 1999 , 1999, .

Guo, Zhiling, Whinston, Andrew B. (2006): The Impact of Financial Market and Resale Market on Firm Strategies. In: HICSS 2006 - 39th Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 4-7 January, 2006, Kauai, HI, USA.

Kalakota, Ravi, Stallaert, Jan, Whinston, Andrew B. (1996): Mobile Agents and Mobile Workers. In: HICSS 1996 , 1996, . pp. 354-365.

Kannan, P. K., Chang, Ai-Mei, Whinston, Andrew B. (2001): Wireless Commerce: Marketing Issues and Possibilities. In: HICSS 2001 , 2001, .

Geng, Xianjun, Lin, Lihui, Whinston, Andrew B. (2009): Impacts of Organizational Learning and Knowledge Transfer on Investment Decisions under Un. In: HICSS 2009 - 42st Hawaii International International Conference on Systems Science 5-8 January, 2009, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI, USA. pp. 1-10.

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