UX Interviews: Bringing Design to Business
Meetup Details
does it take to get your company's support for UX? A lengthened
timeline and the tough conversations involved in the Design process can
be a hard sell for companies in the habit of going to market fast. Years
of building and releasing someone's best guess of what users want means
challenging the status quo of profit over experience.
We already
know a key ingredient is time: time educating, illustrating,
convincing, and circling back to do it all again. Why not learn from
experience and avoid wasting time? How can you focus on strategies and
tactics the bring the most bang for that time?
This month, we'll
interview Brandie Moore, Senior Usability Analyst at American Fidelity,
on just this topic. She's been leading the charge for user-centered
thinking in her company for over a decade. Brandie is ready to share her
best tricks for getting buy-in to try new things, which strategies to
use first, and how to present what you learn. You won't want to miss
learning from one of OKC's true UX pioneers!