Barcelona Game Design Meetup

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Barcelona Game Design Meetup held on Dec 14, 2018. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hola a tod@s!

Nos vemos hoy a la Fundaciò Inceptum. Será posible hacer la inscripción al momento, de todas formas recordar de llevar portatil con Unity instalado para poder participar a la actividad práctica.

¡Hasta luego!


El meetup está incluido en la Agenda de Cultura Digital de la Generalitat de Catalunya!

Recordaros que para participar es necesario pagar por PayPal en la propia plataforma Meetup. El dinero recaudado está destinado a pagar el espacio.

Hi Paolo!

Fantastic event!

thank you Esther! hope to see you there!

Hi guys!

I think this is a great initiative and a field I want to grow into.

I'm currently working at King, known for Candy Crush and other casual titles. Unfortunately that is the day we make the Christmas party!

I hope we can do more in the future as these are tricky dates for many people!

Please share some findings! Thank you

thank you for your interest! you can follow the meetup here or on the meetup platform: search for Barcelona Game Design Meetup.

don't forget you should register here:

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