Newbies team up to work on projects together

Hosted by IxDF London
Apr 3rd, 2019
7:00pm - 9:00pm (UTC +00:00)
St George's Tavern, 14 Belgrave Road, Pimlico, London
6 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details

Hi all, I am looking for a group of people who would be interested in forming a study group for UX. Part course and UX discussion, and part working on our own projects as a team. Projects that can then be turned into portfolio contents.

Studying alone is really hard!

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Newbies team up to work on projects together held on May 1, 2019. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hi! It sounds amazing! I'm really looking forward to being part of a study group for UX/Ui. Please let me know the schedule

Hi Maria, I hope you can come to the meetup! This where I hope we can plan how best we can work together to create a study group :)

Sounds like a good idea - is it Apr 3 or May 1st though? The event says one thing, but Charlotte your post says May 1st :) Thanks

April 3rd, the calendar needs some UX work!

I would love to join but am not in London on either of the dates :( do you think of having regular meetings for this?

Yes, the idea is to form a study group that will meet up regularly

Hi! Love the idea. How regular would the meetups be? Not London based, but willing to travel. Thanks.

Hi guys, is there any chance we could move these meetings to Thursdays? I will be likely be committed every Wednesday for the next few months and haven't had a chance to meet the group yet!

Thanks :)


Well done Charlotte for arranging the meet up. Could you please add a location?

Hard to add a location until I can see how many people are coming! If you have any location suggestions please add here. In central London please!

Hi.. Count me in! I'm a real Newbie, I have a background in E-Commerce but want to get to grips with UX/UI.. with regards to location I would suggest Waterloo or Victoria Station as there's a few decent places near by and plenty of connecting routes.

Hi everyone,
I have booked a space for 19.00 at The George's Tavern in Victoria, 3rd April.
What to expect:

  • Casual meetup to introduce each other and say hello
  • Form a study group. Discuss our goals and expectations for the group

Looking forward to meeting everyone next week :)

Hello Charlotte and thank you for organising this meetup! I have just a note to say. I attended last IxDF meetup in a tavern and it was really hard to hear each other because of the loud music and the lots of people speaking around us. If the objective is talk about projects and doing things together, and I'm telling this to everyone want to organise meetups in the future, I think the most appropriate location is an office or a Wework space (sometimes they offer for free because it's your first meetup). Or I just googled it, there is AceHotel in shoreditch, they have a lobby room for public, it should be free.

It's probably too late now for changing location but if you can do something about that, I think the whole meetup will turn out much better :) Otherwise just for everyone, keep it in mind for next time

Yes I agree Sabrina! However you can only book WeWork through (and be approved), and the Ace hotel doesn't really want a loud large group. If there is somewhere else I would prefer it.
I'm hoping we can meet up next week and through the power of the group find a suitable venue for studying together.
The initial meeting is to see how many people are interested and how we can form the group, no actual project work in a pub!

I totally get it! It'll be alright then if this is only a meet and greet meetup :D

I wonder if it would be possible to ask our companies if they would let us use their meeting rooms for this. It is, after all, a form of professional development that will help them as well. We, for instance, have a meeting room that could possibly be used for something like this.

That would be ideal! We'll see tonight how many people are interested and where we all live :)

Amazing, looking forard to it!

Hello lovely people 👋 Awesome Idea!!! The only thing is that it clashes with a really interesting Dribbble meetup that's already happening that same day 😢is it too late to change dates or will we have to make a choice?

wish I'd seen this before I made the event! Looks great!

Going to the pub is now part of the design process! Ace!

Hi fellow UX/UI community

I am a newbie here so it will be great meeting you all on the course on 3rd April.

Take care and see you then

Hi there! Thanks for organising, this sounds great and I am also a newbie interested in learning more and sharing. However, when I accepted it initially showed 1st May as meetup date, and I am out of town for work in the next two weeks, so cannot attend. I assume being in a tavern there is no chance for a call-in, but please count me in for next times - definitely up for joining this!

Have a great meeting tomorrow!

PS. will anyone share some minutes/notes/actions? :)

Sorry to hear! I would like to post the results of our decisions (all depends on what happens when we meet up!)

Hi All,

Looking forward to seeing you at the pub tomorrow. I've booked a table... although far more people have clicked attending than I was expecting!
I'll be there from 6.30ish (table booked from 7pm), I will print out a IDF logo so you can all find me, come and hang out if you are early! Table is booked under Charlotte.

I think the ideal study group size would be about 10 people, so if we are more, it would be ideal to split into two or three groups depending on Location (eg North and South London).

Thats my idea for now... excited to hear your thoughts and collaborating with new people tomorrow.


Thanks for organizing this, Charlotte!

I won’t be able to attend tonight, but I really want to be part of this. It will be great to work on new case studies and help each other out

hey, how do we recognise each other? :D the pub is full of people..

Once we're in the pub where do we head?

Hi Charlotte,

It was a great meet up and thank you for organising this.

It's a shame we didn't get the turnout as expected but I still enjoyed our discussions

Looking forward to our next one


I've literally just joined IxDF and this group...I would love to be a part of this in future...

Please keep me updated?

Hi, thank you to those who came the other day! Was great to meet you and chat to other people in a similar situation to myself!

We've decided we would like to meet on Tuesdays. Our first challenge is finding a suitable venue for studying.
If you would like to take part, please contact me. If you have venue suggestions even better!

To add, we are just under 10 in the group, so room for more enthusiastic people to join in :)

Hi Charlotte, I regret I just found out this meetup. I actually was about to work on a case study on my own. If there is a room can I join? Please let me know. Thanks.

Hi Charlotte, I missed the first meet up as I was abroad, I'd appreciate if there is room for one more?

I think is a great idea to ask companies if they would let us use their meeting rooms at least once per week, also many companies would be interested in getting some free Ux/Ui work and we can also get some valuable experience. Although, it would be ideal to get done some study cases first for themselves and/or finish our IDF Courses studying in coffee shops in groups size no more than 10 people as you suggested.

I look forward to receiving any updates!

Best regards,


Hi Charlotte

I’ve only just found this and it is precisely what I need in terms of study group and working on a project. Question is

1. Have the study group been formed, if yes; how can I join?

2. Have you started on a project, also how do I take part. Please let me know.


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