Meet up

Hosted by IxDF Dallas
Aug 14th, 2019
5:00pm - 8:00pm (UTC -06:00)
Whole Foods - Park Lane, 8190 Park Lane, Suite 351 Dallas, TX, Dallas, TX
4 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
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Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

Hi IxDF Dallas, let's meet up and network over coffee! Share UX design insights and resources, discuss UX problems you are facing now, or just chat about anything else. It's going to be an informal, cozy meetup with fellow designers!

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Meet up held on Aug 14, 2019. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

There are a lot of new members. Let's meet up and say hi. I am proposing the Whole Foods on Park Lane. They have a good size cafe area - food and drinks are available. If you guys prefer further north in Plano let me know!


Noob here. Whole Foods Park Lane works for me.

Hi Guys!
I wish i could meet u all there. Im faraway time being. Will meet you sure sometime. But share lil updates about the meet at least w any chitchat/discussion on spot.

Have a nice weekend!-paul

Hi guys,

I am currently not in Dallas. I will definitely catch up for the next one. Please inform when it will be

Ariel, I will be in Virginia on the 14th at a Client so I will miss but the Whole Foods on Park Lane is great for me on any future get togethers for the Dallas chapter.



Hi all! I'm new to the group. Look forward to meeting everyone. Hi Ariel, what will be on the agenda for the meeting?

hey guys! I'm looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow Wednesday! I'll be wearing a dark blue NYU/Tisch hat - I might get a red wig for the next meet up for easier spotting 😅🧜🏾‍♂️🧜🏽‍♀️

I was really hoping to make it to the event tonight, but unfortunately won't be able to be there. I'll definitely try to be at the next one.

Maybe we could do something in conjunction with the Big Design Conference (Sept 20-21)?

Where in While

Where in Whole foods are we meeting?

We are by the bar/eating area!

Hey guys! great to have met with you all. As I mentioned, here is my (work-in-progress) portfolio:

any feedback would be great!

Thanks again!

It was great meeting everyone as well!

Adrian, your porfolio is looking solid and well on its way. Some pointers I'd give would be to continue working on projects to add to your portfolio. It's ok if they are personal case studies, but if you can find small contract work then that's even better.

For your first UX project, I'd suggest giving a description of the project that wouldn't disclose confidential info, and let visitors know that they can contact you if they want to learn more.

Your second project is strong. I personally wouldn't use a grid layout to showcase my work, and instead would have them all stacked for vertical scrolling. Up to you, but some pointers:

1. This won't apply since I believe it is a personal project. Moving forward when you do projects for clients, be sure to note the challenges/success you had working with them, and mention the processes it took to move that project forward. Recruiters want to see your collaborative capabilities and how you function in a team.

2. When you did user testing, what type of testing did you conduct(A/B, Focus Groups, Surveys etc.)? Go into depth about user's behaviors and feedback, and talk about your learnings.

3. Add at least one more distinct Persona to give viewers more insight into various factors/problems you were trying to solve for.

4. Add your Resume

Other than those, this looks good. Not sure how much value your Architecture projects give your UX portfolio. They are related to problem solving, so you may be able to cater them closer to a user oriented process. I'm not an Architect, so seek different feedback on that. Hope this helps. :)

Hi Adrian. This is a good start. I would have to agree with all of Ali's feedback above. I just wanted to add:

  • I suggest proofreading for spelling and punctuation
  • Visual presentation: I challenge you to redesign the presentation and look at how you can visually and clearly communicate it even better and simpler. Look at the visual design, color contrast, spacing of letters and characters, bullet points, and graphic elements.
  • The little details count when a director or recruiter looks at your portfolio
  • I think that it's great that you are showing strategic infographics like the competitive analysis and prioritization chart. Perhaps you can show an overview of your process at the beginning of your presentation. User journey maps are also a great way to illustrate the user's end-to-end experience.
  • Keep on adding more UX work

Keep up the good work!

I concur with Nam's and Ali's feedback. I would add that it would be good to describe the challenge/problem, the approach, and the solution. If you worked in a team, what was your role in the project?

I somewhat disagree with just adding more UX projects. I think a max of 5 projects is enough. People won't really spend that much time on your site or reading about projects. Your audience would scan your content and move on. Select the projects that best showcase your expertise and abilities. Be prepared to show more projects in an actual project review face to face.

I hope that helps!

Thank you all for the feedback. This is really helpful and I really appreciate it! See you guys at the next event.

Hey guys I do hope so that we can do something aligning the Design Conference that will be great. I have applied for volunteering anyone else??

Also I would like to show my portfolio and I would love your suggestions and feedbacks as I am trying to update it everyday.

Hi Gauri,

This is a great start to your portfolio. I think you convey very well that you understand user experience research and the importance it brings to a product or service. I like how you are stating the problem, your approach, and your process. My suggestions to you are, see how you can enhance the visual design aspect of your work. Include some photos from your research studies, infographics of some of your findings, use high quality images for your hero images (no watermarks), make sure your artifact images are clear and legible.

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P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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