IxDF-Edinburgh: UX study on face masks

Hosted by IxDF Edinburgh
Jul 22nd, 2020
7:00pm - 7:30pm (UTC +00:00)
Online, https://us04web.zoom.us/j/71190149061?pwd=bVhkTFVxNG9qVmdkYkE0dFpOSnJ6UT09, Edinburgh
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Meetup Details

Hi IxDF Edinburgh, let's meet online and discuss Facemasks!

We have set up this meetup in response to one of the discussion threads. From one of our members Isabel what said, "I find that wearing a mask increases my anxiety. My neighbour was telling me that wearing her mask causes her glasses to steam up, and her hearing aids to fall out... so shopping for groceries while wearing the facemask means not wearing the hearing aids or the specs...

Any thoughts?"

The plan is to discuss further options, different types of mask designs and figure out what kind of user research we could do to gain a deeper understanding of others users issues.

This will be a quick meeting as I only have free zoom. Max 40mins. Also this is the first time I have set up something like this and I am semi-new to UX so please be understanding, and bare with the teething troubles.

Rough itnerary:

0-5mins - Meet and greet, quick intro from everyone.

5-20mins - Discussion on different mask options. (please bring examples of what you are using/ have used)

20-35mins - What research methods we can employ to gain more insight into this topic.

35-40mins - Goodbye and re-scedual.

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Meeting ID: 711 9014 9061

Passcode: 4zeA3c

Hope to see you there ;)



Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss IxDF-Edinburgh: UX study on face masks held on Jul 22, 2020. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hey folks,

Personally I am a big fan of a more versitile mask so have been personally using a snood, Thought you might find this product interesting although I feel that it has quite a few major flaws, worth checking out though...


Hi there

Some interesting soundbites on BBC Sounds yesterday morning around how people feel about wearing and the use of face masks: Broadcasting House - Sunday 19 July 2020 @12m 44s - 17m 53s (actual interviews with shopkeepers and shoppers @ 14m 55s)

Looking forward to Wednesday's discusson!

Another hot topic of course, is the effect on those with impaired hearing who rely on being able to lip read. A couple of interesting articles:

Cross contamination is definitely a issue as is how often they are changed or washed which adds to it.

Having them ill fitting is another. I constantly see them half on and half off.

Definitely for the deaf I did some work with NHS Adenbrooks at the start of the outbreak and they had a deaf nurse and they had the same issue. But when they tried rolling in the clear mask they kept fogging up. Which as you would think was less than ideal.

Great points everyone - Lots of considerations around health, specific needs, fitting... looking forward to our discussion.

My personal story is that I am unable to wear anything across my face because I panic. And have just been signed off from wearing one by the doctor and have a badge to carry.

I have friends who are affected by glasses steaming up, hearing aids getting pushed out. And am aware of reports of them not fitting well with facial hair or because of face size (too big/too small) and of them slipping off.

Pretty much anyone I speak to about it has commented on discomfort. And actually some one I know who is NHS has mentioned that full PPE is very hard to wear. As have some local shop keepers talking about the need to wear them for prolonged periods.

There is also reporting recently about the fashion industry and masks - which feels trivial compared with the NHS workers and with the mental and physical health discussion yet is I think an important driver towards adoption and acceptability. see e.g. https://www.vogue.com/slideshow/stylish-face-masks-to-shop-nowhttps://www.harpersbazaar.com/uk/fashion/what-to-wear/g32458277/shop-fabric-face-masks/

Just found this on BBC News site, on a project to produce customised to fit 3-d printed masks, some really interesting comments on fit, cost, etc: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-53481968

Following our discussion this evening, we decided to use this forum to gather links to relevant information about facemasks - Drew, Ruth - do we do that on this thread, or on the original question, or in a new thread...? We have resources on both threads at present.

Key points in the discussion:

- factors in the face mask design include fit (for different face shapes and sizes, facial hair or not), comfort over time (e.g. all day PPE versus "on and off" uses going in and out of shops, and the discomfort of over-the-ear ties/elastic)

- factors in the design also include beauty, pleasure amusement eg Ruth's Cat Face mask

- some people are exempt - but do they know that? and do other people know it?

- styles and types are proliferating in the web/social media so maybe this discussion is late - but it is still worth collecting ideas online - here and possibly also as a linked in page. We'll post to here to say what we have done.

Hidden disabilities, health conditions and exemption from face masks (Scotland)

There are exemptions from wearing face masks in Scotland, you can get a poster and further information here: https://accessibletravel.scot/face-mask-exemption-not-everyone-can-wear-one/

I wear my badge with a sunflower lanyard (see next post) to that I can show it to people if challenged. I also printed out a few of the posters and took them to shops I use most often, to explain why I would not be wearing a mask.

Also I do carry a mask with me, I've realised I feel I must have a mask, even if not wearing it. And - in the discussion in the group we thought about whether a soft scarf might also be useful and work for some people. Depends on the reason and severity of the reason for the exemption.

Hidden Disabilities and the Sunflower Lanyard Scheme

There are many people who have hidden disabilities or need extra help or time in particular circumstances. The Sunflower Lanyard Scheme has been launched so that in airports, shops and other public places, it is easier for those of us who need extra help to request it, and easier for staff in those public places to see that we might need help.

The Sunflower Lanyard website says “The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower originated in 2016 when London Gatwick Airport asked "How can we recognise that one of our passengers may have a non-obvious disability?". The answer was to create a lanyard with a simple sunflower design on a green background. It was intended to be a subtle but visible sign enabling airport staff to recognise that the wearer (or someone with them) may require some extra help, time or assistance when moving through the airport.”

You can get them directly from organisations involved in the scheme. Lanyards are provided for free to those who need them – for example if you are flying from Edinburgh and require help you can get a lanyard when you book or need assistance. You’ll notice that I’ve said “us” and “we”; I am the happy owner and wearer of a Sunflower Lanyard, mainly for use when I am travelling, and especially at the airport. The wonderful Additional Assistance team at Edinburgh Airport provided me with a lanyard when I needed their help at the start of 2019, and I use it now whenever I travel. The team there is magnificent at helping me manage my way through the airport. What’s my disability? You don’t need to know – you just need to know that in situations where I might need additional time, help or support, I will wear my lanyard, and will then get help. I didn’t think I needed or was entitled to help, but I do, I am, and I’m grateful for it.

There are many types of hidden disability or additional needs. Lots of reasons why someone might need to use the disabled toilet, be in a different queue, need extra time, and those reasons won’t be visible to other people. Examples on the Edinburgh airport additional assistance webpage include:

  • Hearing and visual impairments
  • Ostomy
  • Heart device
  • Autism.

The scheme is growing. The Sunflower Lanyard website lists many organisations and companies that have joined the scheme, so if you need the help, look out for the posters and lanyards.

The Sunflower Lanyard website is https://hiddendisabilitiesstore.com/index.php

The Edinburgh Airport Additional Assistance website is https://www.edinburghairport.com/prepare/travelling-with-additional-needs#adneeds

The Tesco website has this report: https://www.tescoplc.com/news/2019/sunflower-lanyards-help-customers-with-hidden-disabilities/

you tube video with details on fitted homemade masks - 28 mins, detailed, lots of hints and tips: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4r8nwFdUxY

tips on ties, elastic size, etc... nose clips made from different materials - emphasises comfort, esp for long use, measurements for different sizes, stopping it slipping... etc

there was an article in the i newspaper this week about the topic - and today two letters in from people saying they get panic attacks when wearing the mask, and are not sure how to get an exemption. I've emailed the i.

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