H E L L O F R O M W 9 A G A I N !

Hosted by IxDF London
Jul 1st, 2020
11:00am - 12:15pm (UTC +00:00)
Online, Online meet-up, London
14 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
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Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

Enormous thanks to everyone who’s participated in our informative and motivating Zoom meetups so far. This will be an informal discussion where we can share general thoughts and offer to demonstrate particular skills in the coming weeks. To build our community places are limited to the first 20 people who provide their email address.

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss H E L L O F R O M W 9 A G A I N ! held on Jul 1, 2020. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hello everyone! Hope to meet and get to know all of you locally. My email address is <fawaz.taj2012@gmail.com>

See you Wednesday! Zoom link will be emailed before 10:30am.

Hi Debi,

Hope to meet you in the meetup. Add me shafixci@gmail.com



See you Wednesday! Zoom link will be emailed before 10:30am. Estefano joins us from Peru, so we're truly international! See you soon.

Hello all, i would be glad to be added to this meet up page so that i can attend even though i am miles away. Pls add kingsley_omokhuale@hotmail.com


See you Wednesday! Zoom link will be emailed before 10:30am. We have Peru and Bangladesh... :-)

Hello IxDF London :)

I've just recently joined IxDF last week and enjoying it very much already!

I'd love to attend this or any similar meetups in the future so I was wondering if there's any chance that some of these meetups could be organized after 5pm? As it's quite difficult for me to get away from work during the day as I work 9-5 (even though from home at the moment).

Thank you so much and I very much look forward to get to know you better :)!



Exactly! Same issue for me :)

Hi Chilla, Love your website and would have really liked you to join us, but this started as a lockdown thing and I can't do evenings easily at the moment. Stay in touch!


If there aren't 20 already : )

There are still spaces. I'll send a Zoom link before 10:30 on Wednesday

You've probably already got 20 people, just in case: oxana.tamas@gmail.com

Still have space! See you Wednesday! Zoom link will be emailed before 10:30am.

There are still spaces. I'll send a Zoom link before 10:30on Wednesday.

If there is still a place available... 100larks@gmail.com. See you soon

See you Wednesday! Zoom link will be emailed before 10:30am.

See you Wednesday! Zoom link will be emailed before 10:30am.

There are still spaces. I'll send a Zoom link before 10:30on Wednesday

Hi All, Just joined IxDF and the IxDF London group .... looking forward to the meet up ... :)

Hi, if there is still one place, please add me marciaelisabetesantos@gmail.com. Looking forward to the meetup.

Yes, there is! I'll send a Zoom link before 10:30 on Wednesday.

Hi I would be glad if I get a place, this would be my first meetup. biboswan98@gmail.com

Yes, you have! I'll send a Zoom link before 10:30 on Wednesday.

Happy you could join us! See you next week.

The challenge for me is the 10.30am meet up, can this be revised to after 5:00pm please???

Hi Kingsley, Sorry it does have to be 11am tomorrow. I understand there's a need for a late/afternoon evening group and it might happen in future. This group started as my work dried up at the beginning of the lockdown and it was a great way to keep in touch. I can't do evenings easily at the moment.

Hello Debi, thanks for your response and i hope you get something new soon.

Despite my busy schedule during the day, I will endeavour and join up tomorrow so as to support your efforts with this group.

Hi Debi, I'd love to join if there is room. I've signed up using the link above.

Hey Everyone, excited to join the meet up tomorrow , my email: simranjitggill@gmail.com :)

Hi Debi,
I commented here - is that counts https://www.interaction-design.org/discuss/event/h...
Are there any spaces left ?

Hi there,

I don't appear to have received a link to the Zoom meet up today, did this go out? I received a confirmation of my sign up yesterday - but no link.

Best wishes


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Local Leaders of IxDF London

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IxDF Members might also be bringing their non-member friends to the meetup (and you’re welcome to do the same), but their non-member friends will not be shown as “attending” because this feature is only available to members.

P.S.: Note that the number of attendees is not an indication of its value! Small meetups work perfectly, and can facilitate deeper, more fruitful conversations.

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