Coffee and UX chat – London

Hosted by IxDF London
Jun 11th, 2019
6:00pm - 9:00pm (UTC +00:00)
Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank Centre, Belvedere Rd, London
14 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
This is a free Local Group meetup
Attendance is free.
You don’t have to be a member to attend.
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Local Groups will expand your career network—whether you are interested in learning new skills, finding job opportunities or looking for a new employee.
A Local Group is a group of people who, like you, are passionate about design. Local Groups organize meetings to get inspired, have fun and learn from one another.

Meetup Details

Hi IxDF London, I'm a graphic designer transitioning into UX. I've been extremely lucky to start working with a mentor who's helping me navigate my way through all the available information. I'd love to share the knowledge I've already learnt with you, and hear your stories!

Meetup Conversation

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Coffee and UX chat – London held on Jun 1, 2019. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hello, is the date 1st or 11th? :) Saturday is better for me.

Im in outer sw London, where will the meetup be

Oh no :( I'll be traveling to brazil on that day. A day a couple of days in advance would be better.

Need to update the event date on this page as it is indicating June 11th, but I think its June 1st!!

Hi there, the default date was set to Sat 1 June which I can't make. If everybody can give me a short list of dates and times asap they can make between early and mid June, I'll find one that we can all make and amend the deatils. I think central London is probably best unless there is a bias north, south, etc.

Many thanks

Ahh, I can't make 1st June. I'm looking forward to meeting up with people though. My UX campaign has been faltering of late and I'm keen to invigorate it!


Would love to come if its June 1st, let us know.

Hi there! So sorry, I did post an update about the meetup but it seems to have disappeared in the ether.

I said in the previous message that it'd be great if everyone could give some dates they are free from the beginning to mid June and I'll work out a date that as many people as possible can attend. The default date when I created the event was Sat 1 June but I'm not free unfortunately.

If you could let me know asap I will get it organised. I'm imagining central London will be the best location unless there's a bias towards one particular area.

Many thanks

You could set up a doodle poll with a list of possible dates/times? I'd like to come along if I'm around then.

Great idea, Sam Heighes... but I just tried to set it up and it looked very complicated so I'm just going to do it the analogue way! Please let me know your preferred three options by end-of-play on Friday 10 May and I'll choose the most popular date. Thanks guys!

Here are the options:

Monday 3 June – 6-9pm, central London location

Wednesday 5 June – 6-9pm, central London location

Thursday 6 June – 6-9pm, central London location

Saturday 8 June – 10am-1pm, central London location

Monday 10 June – 6-9pm, central London location

Tuesday 11 June – 6-9pm, central London location

Saturday 15 June – 10am-1pm, central London location

Monday 17 June – 6-9pm, central London location

Tuesday 18 June – 6-9pm, central London location

Hello all, I often see large groups at the SouthBank Centre come here for Meetups, and it's free! We could met there? We just need to turn up and find a suitable space for our group...Its generally better to met during a weekday, so Monday-Friday after work. Have a think if this is suitable for this group, otherwise I might start another thread for a May Meetup. Thanks, Janine Below.

Hi Janine, great idea, I was thinking of the Royal Festival Hall too. Are there any of the dates above that would be good for you? Best wishes, Kathryn

Hi Kathryn,

Anyday during the week generally, except Thursday evenings...I can do any of these dates:

Monday 3 June

Wednesday 5 June

Monday 10 June

Tuesday 11 June

Monday 17 June –

Tuesday 18 June –

We can't please everyone, so if people can't come to this one, maybe they can do another one...shall we decide on one date soonish...say by next week Wednesday?...otherwise this can go on and on forever!

Best , Janine

Absolutely agree! As you suggest, let's wait until Wednesday to see if there's a preferred date, otherwise we can just choose one! All the best, Kathryn

Hello all,

Sam mentioned a doddle poll, so I thought I would do one. If people could indicate which dates they are available then we can get a date that most people could/would attend, thank you! The time would be after work sort of time...6.30pm onwards

Ps, please complete as soon as you can so that we can finalise date. Thank you!


Hi Janine, are you getting updates about this thread? I'm not, and I'm

wondering if everybody else isn't either, hence the lack of interest.

I've emailed Rikke about it but haven't had a reply... quite



hi Kathyrn,

I didn't get many posts at all...only 3...and that included you and me...interesting...

So lets just set a date?? What about Tuesday 11th June at The Royal Festival Hall 6.30-9pm.

Janine Below

Hi Janine, the problem is still ongoing and I haven't had any more news

from Rikke. I'll mention it to Natalia too who has posted below. Tuesday

11 June is great though – shall we meet anyway?

Many thanks

Hello all. IDF LONDON needs two or three co-leaders to organise and coordinate meet ups. Please let me know if you are interested in the position. Thank you.

Natalia Brown (IDF UK manager)

Hi Natalia, I'm interested too; please feel free to get in touch. There

is definitely a problem on this post – alerts about messages and posts

are not being sent or received. I've been in contact with Rikke but

nothing has yet changed – it's really frustrating as we've been trying to organise a meetup but it's impossible.

Many thanks

Hi Natalia

I am interested. Are you kindly able to provide the requirements for that?


  • Hello Maxwell here are responsibilities of an IDF Local Leader
  1. As a Local Leader, you will be involved in facilitating meetups in your city — where designers can network and learn from one another.
Your roles are to:

Schedule meetups for your Local Group. Local Group meetups are free, and can be attended by both IDF members and non-members.
If a Local Group member decides to create a Local Group meetup, you can provide assistance to the member so that the meetup runs as smoothly as possible.
Set up and maintain a Facebook and LinkedIn group for your Local Group. This allows Local Group members to stay in touch and also facilitates the creation of meetups.
Once a month, link up with your Country Manager(s), who are your first point of contact. You can do so by simply dropping them an email with brief updates on what the Local Group has been up to
I will contact you on Twitter, IDF UK

Hi guys,

I'd love to join this meetup, however Tuesdays are a bit difficult for me at the moment, Saturdays and Sundays would be better. Thursday evenings as well. Keep me posted in case the date changes! Where are we thinking in terms of location?


Hi, For me 11th June is good. Not available on 1st.

I'm away on the 11th. Happy to meet on Saturday Mornings or during the week after work.

Hey Natalia

I’m certainly intrigued by this. I organise similar events within London with guest speakers and so would be interested to learn more about it.

Best wishes,


Hi Natalia and Kathryn,

I like to be part of the meetup on 11June will work for me, please let me know the venue and timings. Looking forward for this meetup.

Cheers, Senthil.M

hi Natalia,

I would like to organise this event with Kathyrn (where are you?) On June 11th 2019 at the Royal Festival Hall, but not sure of other further events.... Do I need to go through the process of creating a Linkedin thread for this? Can I official set up this date now?


Janine Below

Dear All,

the meet up is happening on 11/06 @18.00 at Royal Festival Hall foyer - Southbank Centre. I advertised it on IDF London LinkedIn group IDF UK Facebook and Twitter. I am not able to attend because I am not based in London. Hope all goes well.

Please join IDF UK Facebook group and follow on Twitter.

Natalia (IDF UK country manager)

Hi Natalia,

Would it be possible to correct the date on the Facebook event. You have posted Thursday 13th June on the Facebook page, Thank you.



hi Natalia, Thanks for setting up.


Janine Below

Unfortunately I can't make this one. I was hoping this would line up with a meeting in London, but sadly it hasn't worked out.

Hi, look forward to meeting some of you on the 11th... any ideas on how we will find each other?

Hi Dave, how about we all wear something red?

Good idea... not sure I own anything red but will see what I can find!

Dave – in that case you choose a colour :)

Nope red is all good... ill find something. :)

Hello Dave,

Great you are coming, I phoned up to see if we could have a corner or a floor in the Royal Festival Hall, and it seems like there is a big concert on that evening, so I was proposing to redirect people to the Queen Elizabeth Hall, which is literally 20 secs away. Its in a different building , but same place more or less, actually I will ask Natalia to change the meet up Venue.

See you there Dave,


Janine Below

Dear Natalia,

Can you please change the title of the Meet up from The Royal Festival Hall to the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Same time, same Place.

Thank you!!!!

Janine Below

Hello all. I have changed the venue for Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Hello all,

Please come to the first Coffee and UX Chat Meetup at the Queen ELizabeth Hall Tuesday 11th June 2019 from 6.00pm!

Be nice to met you Kathryn and Dave.



Looking forward to meeting you, Janine and Dave!

Hello Janine. I have amended the date on Facebook. I may changed it by mistake while updating the location. I hope all will go well. Please message me through IxDF UK Facebook page if you have any further questions. It should be faster


Thanks Natalia, I have resisted having a Facebook account...but might have to create one I guess...

Hi, unfortunately I had to cancel the attendance, it was supposed to be my first IxDF meetup. Is there any place (discussion/blog/recording) of the meetup I can follow later on?

Hi Farzana,

Sorry you can't make it tomorrow, this is my first IxDF Meetup too! Hopefully there will be more like this to come. The Meetup tomorrow is just an informal coffee and chat, so I might just give a quick summary of what happened, I'll send a link somehow. We will try to ask people what they want for the next one...

Regards, Janine

Hi, there seems to be some problem on this platform regarding posts – I haven't been receiving any messages so I'm guessing it's the same for everybody. I think I've now independently contacted everyone I can about the meetup tomorrow evening – 6-9pm at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. Let's all wear something red so we can identify each other! As you said, Janine, it can just be an informal chat, with a view to more structured meetings in the future.

Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow
All the best

Hi there, just to let you know I am still definitely coming tonight but I suspect I may be little late getting there, hopefully no later than 6.30.

Also is it worth posting this meetup on the IxDF London slack channel, haven't seen it mentioned on there?


Oooooh, yes, that sounds like a good idea, doing that now. Thanks Dave!

I to London can some one send the post code. I can find the location. Thanks

HI Veeraragavan,

The venue is the South Bank Centre, in the Queen Elizabeth Hall.


  • Hello

I am in Royal Hall, but can’t locate you :(

Where are you guys sitting

Its Queen Elizabeth, which is just the next building to it Albina

We had a fantastic meetup last night at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. We all have different career backgrounds and reasons for wanting to move into UX/UI, or for moving into new areas within it, and it really feels like we all can contribute to and learn from each other. Anyone who is interested in joining would be very welcome... please get in touch!

All the best
Kathryn Samson

Kathryn Samson
M: 07814 602846





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