Casual UX Meetup - Theme of the month: UX strategy and Creating the right conditions for UX @AddQ
Hosted by IxDF Gothenburg
Feb 18th, 2020
5:00pm - 6:00pm
(UTC +01:00)
ADDQ, Odinsgatan 11, Gothenburg
5 IxDF Members (and some non-members) are attending
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Meetup Details
Please register here if you are interested in attending
Hello everyone,
The host of this month is ADDQ ->
The theme of the month is UX strategy and how to create the right conditions for UX work. ADDQ will do a short presentation on the subject after which we can have some discussions with each other. If you want to come and just listen, that's fine.
Make sure to claim your spot before it's too late!
Hope to see you there.