WAM! (Weekly Accountability Meetup)

If you plan on attending, please spend a bit of time establishing the goals you’d like to achieve in the next 7 weeks. I’ve created this goal tracker to help you stay on track and participate in the read outs. Join our slack channel to ask questions and stay in the loop.

Hello all! I am planning on attending this meet-up. This will be my first one.

I wanted to make sure my goals are appropriate for the purpose of the meeting. I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and I just started learning about UX as a possible career shift. The goals I would have, at this point, are relative to learning. I would like to continue completing the courses on this site, attending more meet-ups, talking to anyone in the field who is open to providing insight, talking about other potentially valuable learning opportunities, etc.

I am looking forward to the meet-up, but also, let me know if this one isn’t geared toward a newbie like myself.

Thank you!

Hi Kristen, and welcome to our group! Every person’s goals will be unique to them. This isn’t a session about judging your goals, so no worries there. You may find the goal tracker useful to stay on track with your learning goal.

I definitely encourage you sign up for our other IxDF sessions, as well, that will offer more of a general Q&A format toward UX as you progress. This weekly session will be geared more towards goal accountability and achievement. Hope to see you there!

Join the IxDF Chicago Chapter Slack, if you have not already for updates, announcement and resources.

Hi @Amy!! I was wondering how you can customize the number of checkboxes on your tracker?

Thank you!!

Hi Alia! You can unmerge the cells and delete or copy/paste to the days you want to work on your tactics. :)

Thank you! I felt like I was messing up the math for the progress! should one checkbox always account for 10%?

No—it depends on how many checkboxes you have for that tactic in total. It will automatically adjust the percentage. Some weeks may count for more/less and some tactics may have more/less.

I just noticed the score range in the score column is not pulling the full value for that row.

Change the score to =COUNTIF(G13:CL13, TRUE)/COUNTA(G13:CL13). I’ve updated it in the main form if you want to copy/paste into your working doc. If you copy/paste to the remaining score column cells it will update them. Thank you for catching that bug.

If you double click the score next to the tactic, you should see the full row (from G to CL columns) highlight.

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