Online Meet Up IxDF AZ

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Online Meet Up IxDF AZ held on Jan 28, 2024. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Can I get the link to join the meeting please?

Thank you for organizing this, Eric!

I’ll be a little late for the meeting as I have a prior commitment in the morning, but if it’s at 1:00pm I can attend the whole meeting. I’ll defer to the preference of the group as a whole, though!

Hi Alexandra. There is no time limit honestly : ). I just put 12 PM as the time since it seemed like a good generic time that could be used as a placeholder.

I’m happy to let this meeting go for 2 hours or so. Best to be flexible with everyone’s schedules and people can leave and join as they wish

Sounds great! I’ll see everyone when I get on then. Thanks, Eric!

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