UX/UI DC area meet up

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss UX/UI DC area meet up held on Mar 17, 2018. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hello all, I had the great pleasure of meeting Phillip at yesterday's IxDF meet up. I was amazed by his knowledge and deep understanding of UX. We exchanged so many great ideas and our conversation was just amazing! We decided to create a Slack channel for our IxDF UX/UI DC area meet up group. It will help us to connect and stay in touch. Here is the link: https://join.slack.com/t/idfdc/shared_invite/enQtM...

Please let me know if you have any comments or concerned.



At round table with the guitar if I’m the first here middle outer edges

Looks not able to make it this week. I can join next week.

Hi all!

Nice to meet everyone! I’m currently a ux designer modernizing the apppeals at Veteran Affairs.

Thanks for the invite. I may be out next week so will try to stop by at at Boccato today.



Hello everyone, thanks a lot for signing up to my meet up. Our group is getting bigger and there is no room available for all of us in the Central Library this Saturday (3/17). I have booked a nonprofit room in Central Library for next Saturday, March 24, 2018, from 12:00pm to 2:00pm. I am sorry for inconvenient. I hope you can attend. If you still want to meet up this Saturday, March 17, I will be in Boccato cafeteria on Willson Blvd. in Arlington at 2pm. I will change the place for this meet up so you will see the address and time.

Thank you for understanding.


Hi all, hopefully I will be able to attend. I am judging VA History Day!

Hi Matthew I thought the VA History Day is on April 21. Anyway, that's pretty cool you are a judge!

Actually, you are right. Meant to add the Fairfax district but I am glad we are changing the date.

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