Universitet i Bergen

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Universitet i Bergen held on Dec 23, 2019. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Hi everyone! Good morning!

Today I will start my first online meetup, but I do not know-how going on.

I want to share experiences, have any question to you expects.

Hi everyone! Good morning!

Every time I log in here in this community, I learn a lot with you all instructors and you guys. Inspire me every time.

When a person has any ideas, it is good to talk about developer it.

That is the reason I want to share with you guys to help me to create a new product from the recycle plastics.

Of course, we find so many solutions, but I still don't saw yet as I think before.

We together probable we find a solution to green electricity.

Hi everyone! I change the date, because I have been forgot about the Christmas time.

Then I think 15th January there is a good date. See you all there.

If you have some ideas and would to share please ! Be in touch ... We need design the new energy spot.

What are they think about it?

Maybe you should reconsider the date, people will be all into Christmas and many will take days off since children have holiday, just a thought :)

Irena each date are you suggestion?

I want to share and here from you guys your experiencies! I will tell you my , we can use chatbox, or vooice, Please only this day.

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