Interaction Rio Meet-up - Getting to know each other: the community, the design and what we are doing

Hi all! Please use this discussion thread to discuss Interaction Rio Meet-up - Getting to know each other: the community, the design and what we are doing held on Dec 3, 2019. Feel free to ask questions about the place, date and time, agenda of the meeting, or anything else.

Allo, ill be there!

Oi gente, tudo bom? Criei um novo meetup para voltarmos a interagir aqui no IxDF, a ideia é compartilhamos experiencias positivas e negativas a respeito do Home Office pós quarentena, ferramentas de trabalho, etc.

Oi, pessoal! Tudo bem?

O que acham também de criarmos um grupo no WhatsApp para interagir mais?


Acho legal, assim dá pra trocar mais informações, dicas, artigos, etc sem necessariamente depender dos Meet-Ups.


Hi everyone!

Two important informations:

  1. You can invite as many people as you want;
  2. The meeting will be in Brazilian Portuguese.

See you later!

But how do we access the meet-up and share its access with friends?

Hi Romario, how are you?

Next to the event I will create the virtual room.

Im looking forward for this! see you soon lads

Totally confirming my presence. See you guys Dec. 3! :

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